Signs and Wonders

Good evening Wonderers:

I’m working on the painting “Confirmation” today.  It has been a slow process for me to get it started.  It had been a difficult two weeks emotionally and thank God the idea was here for me to complete.

I was on a high note the week before the Eagles’ game.  It started with me ending up unexpectedly at a birthday party that my granddaughter was invited two days prior. I was not even going to go I was just going to drop them off and circle around a few hours later.  But something told me to go in.  The homeowners were from Philadelphia.  They lived just a block from where I grew up.  One guest owned some Florsheim Shoe Stores which was where my husband worked when we first me.  And everyone was an Eagles fan.  This was Saturday, a week before the game.  I took it as a sign from the Father.

A couple days later I get an email from my friend that there is a quilting guild in my area and they have a impromptu meeting the first Friday of every month.  And since you know I’m working on this quilt I decide to attend.   I end up sitting next to a woman that worked with my husband reminding me how much he was loved by his peers and community.  How awesome is God! Not only was my heart filled with compassion, I met several women who could help me with my quilt.

By Sunday I was ready for the game emotionally.  My son and I watched it together.  The other children went across the street to a Super Bowl party but I could not.  We stayed to watch it in the comfort  of my home and the Eagles won.  I was happy for them.  I was happy for everyone who was rooting for Derrick’s favorite team.  I felt God gave us a victory.  And since Derrick passed right after the game last year, God gave us a better Super Bowl memory.  I went to bed that night feeling God’s unmistakable love.

Something changed.  I noticed I did not want to answer texts and phone calls.  I knew people were concerned but I just did not want to share another moment of missing him with everyone else like I’ve had to do.  I would take this final grief by myself.  

On the 9th I had a doctor come to my home for a visit.  This woman who I had only known for 5 minutes asked how I was feeling this time last year.  Well let me see, this time last year I was standing in front of a group of people offering them comfort at his memorial service when I broke down and whimpered.  She said I was extremely depressed and it angered me.  Not angered as in hate but as in what more could you want from me.  I’ve gotten through getting the children off to school everyday and made sure there was food in the house to eat.  I’ve paid the bills and handled any situations with grace.  What more can be expected from me?

And that brings me back to this painting.  Maybe in theory she is right.  Although I could not see it was missing, where was my joy? Why am I not doing the things I love.  Cooking, singing, taking good care of my family and praising God in spite of it all.  I have my moments but where is the continuous joy.  I had to rebuke this feeling for I know who I am.  I am a child of God.  I am a child of light and, “we know all things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

I thank Jesus for not leaving me there.  Her words were a reminder that God called me to a purpose and I was being distracted by the enemy.  It was okay for me to miss Derrick and weeping may endure for a night but joy Still comes in the morning.  So today I start to paint and I read about the president wanting to cut funding to The Endowment of the Arts among other programs that are here to support the people.  Where would I be without art?  What would our world be without art?  The history of the world as we know it is captured in the arts.  Past, present and future.  How sad our world would be without it.

So for today Wonderers I can only tell you this.  I serve and praise the God that told me to paint.  I trust in him and I await for my Lord and Savior.  When my doctor got the report from the home visit he gave me a referral to talk with someone.  I’m waiting on Jesus and in the meantime I will talk to the many people he has placed on my path with signs and wonders that He has heard my cries and I am not alone.  I will complete “Confirmation” and I humbly hope that it will give comfort to someone else who is also waiting on Jesus.  In Christ we are more than conquerors.

I am winding down to February 15, the day I laid his body to rest for the final time and I am good. I am not alone and I am not depressed. I have all of you and I hope you know you have a friend in Jesus. Tomorrow I have art guild meeting and will get some pointers on my painting and fellowship with other artists and Christians that love the Lord.  I will keep you updated on my progress but here is the First layer.

Thanks for perusing and may God continue to bless you and keep you.


Good evenings Wonderers:

Hi guys!

If you know me, well, you know I did not want to learn to sew. I like the idea of it however me and the sewing machine would alwaysend up in a fight. All the women in my life sew. My mother tried to teach me, It just was not in the cards for me. I wanted to make quilts like my grandmothers did but it missed me and passed to my daughter. I did not completely give up. I once sewed sheets together and covered an old store bought quilt and darted little bows throughout it to give it the look of a quilt and gave it to my daughter Kerrie when she was young. I can’t remember how old she was but she still has it. She told me the other day that it is the only thing she covers herself with that helps her feel better throughout her pregnancy. When I think about it this quilt got her through high school, heart break and war. All the places I could not go with her but I could hold her in my arms and comfort her and love her unconditionally.

Over the summer she took me to Fabricate Studios in Atlanta Georgia where I met instructor Diana. Diana, the angel that took my fear of the machine helped me make two quilted oven mitts that started the beginning of this journey.

In November Kerrie invited me to Glamp Stitchalot where I was inspired by about 150 beautiful spirits full of life and love of their craft. At Glamp I came back with so much fabric I actually have a stash. That’s an important term for quilters, it means the possibilities are endless 😛. And five days ago I got to thinking about what to do with some of it.

I know how inspired I get when I think about painting but quilting is different. Going through your fabric is spiritual. I can’t explain it but you can spend some time going through it. You can’t rush it. It’s like when you were a kid and you saw a pile of leaves, you just jumped in and laid in them and you rolled around for the pure joy if it. No worries just pure joy.

ame to me that I should make something so I went throughout my stashed when cowardly I selected this package of charm packets by Windham Fabric. This design is Makers Home by Natalie Barnes. I love the colors and designs. They were calling to me. I said cowardly because they are already cut into squares and I was just going to sew squares together. This fabric is too bold for that! For a day I rearranged those squares until I thought I had it all in my mind how it was going to go when something happened. Why not make a pinwheel? You remember how to do it. My daughter labored through it with me the first day of Glamp and it was perfect. So I decided to step out on faith and do it. Of course I didn't remember it actually right but I just kept ripping out the seams and turning fabric around until I finally got the triangles going in the right directions. There was something about rearranging those little fragments of cloth, ripping the seams apart and putting them back together in a new perspective, the right perspective, made me think of my life. This is where I am! God will meet you where you are and turn you around.

I was thinking there are two perspective to every thing. As much as I thought I had a steadfast spirit, I had been living a lie. The pinwheel was representing my past sins versus the new perspective of my time spent with Jesus. Like the pinwheel I had to be broken and put back together again. God willing I plan to do a pinwheel a day and label it. Every fragment of my life and heart has to be separated, corrected and rearranged. It is not going to be easy but with God's help I can be whole with a clean heart. Like the quilt I'm going to have in the end I will be forever changed. That's what I want to be "fixed in place" and be who God has called me to be. I'm claiming my authority!

I called my daughter and she is going to do the same. You can follow her blocks on Instagram at karefullymade. God willing we are going to do a block until Thanksgiving and we will present our quilt at Christmas.

I'm only on day three Wonderers. I invite you to join in. Maybe we can exchange scriptures to encourage each other. Having a steadfast gaze is my goal to help me fight against the many things that distract me. It takes about twenty minutes to make a pinwheel but it is also a part of my meditation on scripture so it takes me longer. Just the same I would love the fellowship. Thank you for perusing and may God bless you and keep you.

Create in me a pure heart, O’God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Good night.

Silo Update

Today I added a background using paint and Saran Wrap.  I started with the wheat field by adding the plastic strips with gesso.  I then painted them.  I’m going to sit on it a few days and wait and see what develops both in my mind and in the painting.  Jesus is working on me while I work it out.  I have no words for it yet.  Just a feeling.  I was told to keep painting and I want to be obedient.   
 Yesterday I gave you a peek at the first painting I am working on in the 3D acrylic painting class.  So you know what I am trying to capture here are a few pictures of the scene.  This is the Shiloh Road and this is the sun that shines down on me from this point to the children’s school.  Isn’t it beautiful.  It leaves me at the school

I’m trying to translate it from where it picks me up and so far this is what I got.

It came to me about 3:00 a.m. To use strips of plastic that were made ironing flat groceries bags that were used for a Earth Day project with the York County Musuem.  A few friends from The Catawba River Art Guild and I ironed bags for days to assist children in making recycled artwork.  Everyone had a blast!  I love to recycle things.  I think that is why I’m so excited about this class.  I haven’t attached anything it to yet, I’m still working on the placement.

What do you think Wonderers?   Any suggestions?  Do you see God?

<a href=””>Peek</a&gt;


Hello Wonderers:

Those that follow me on Facebook know I’ve been on a commitment to represent my artistic abilities in fabric.  Kerrie invited me to Glamp Stitchalot which is next week.  I signed up for a pouch swap that even my son-in-law couldn’t believe.  Well I did and now I have completed it and for the first sewing project I have ever completed all by myself I’m proud.  The person I’m sewing for gave a few examples of things she likes so I also made her a card to thank her for opening the door of creating with fabric.

I think I will do more things.  I can’t wait to attend and feel the creativity of the textile artists.  I can’t call them quilters.  They are artists too.  Now that I am finished today I started a new class that is currently giving me life.

I started a 3-D acrylic painting class at Fewell Park, Rock Hill, SC. with Dr. Bradley Sabelli.  We will be experimenting with paint combined with non-traditional materials to create an original finished product.  Today I was painting with aluminum foil.   Over the next six weeks we will be using almost anything we can come up with.  Time to dig in the closets and see what I can find. 🤗

There is a title for this piece.  I will call it “Shiloh Road” because every morning while driving on this road taking the children to school, when the trees break at this farm especially at the point of the silos, the sun suddenly gets bright and shines down on me.  I respond, “Good morning God”, then thoughts of Derrick come and I sense their presence.  They are with me letting me know how proud they are for being strong and courageous.  It’s the time I feel I am not alone and I remember what I was told, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.””

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It’s a coincidence a friend told me to read Joshua this week and the passage came back to me.  I will take you along with me through the process of this painting and here is today’s beginning.

Can you see the foil?  I think the texture is cool.  

Well that’s it for today.  Until next time, thanks for perusing and enjoy the rest of the evening.  Love you all!

An Exceptional Gift

imageAcrylic Ink on Tile.


Everything about art is exceptional to me and nothing about me is exceptional to art. 

This reminds me of my father saying he was a Jack of all trades but a master of none.  However in reality everything he did was exceptional.  He was a good painter, electrician and contractor and people hired him to do all kinds of projects.  It was not his job, it was his passion.  He was humble about his abilities and would read up on the skills and just do it.  I was in awe of his commitment to his exceptional gift of remodeling people’s homes and lives.

Today my daughter told me with each new medium I learn it only enhances my artistic abilities.  She said she can’t wait to see what I come up with next and what I heard in my mind was….I’m a Jack of all trades and a master of none.

I pray I am showing those following me what my Dad gave me.  Be humble and be willing to improve yourself and the lives of others through the means of your God given talents.

In reality it is all I have to give.

<a href=””>Exceptional</a&gt;


Glaring at a blank canvas all kinds of possibilities come to mind.  Do I dare to shatter the glass ceiling and set myself free.

Glaring at the blank canvas shaking my head as I pick up a brush.  Nothing to stop you but you.  You got the green light.  Dip the brush or let it go.

Stop glaring at the canvas..  Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  The universe is waiting.  Waiting on you to carry through.


<a href=””>Glaring</a&gt;




All That I Can Say

Good morning Wonderers;

I had been following a word prompt lately trying desperately to have something to say.  Something that wasn’t truly ridiculous and nothing that was unsympathetic to other’s tragedy that surrounds me.  Believe me I am on a cakewalk compared to a lot of people. I am so grateful for my life as torn as it is, I’m not broken, I’ve only been heartbroken and some days lonely.   But I read a post of Facebook the other day saying something about, “if you can lift your head off the pillow, you have all you need.”  It apparently was something a dying man was saying to his wife about  her life after he was gone.  I get it.  It is so true.  I’m here still amongst the living.  I have breath, a pulse and a functioning brain.  Everything else after that is icing on the cake.

There is so much goodness in my life that it feels strange to display.  I am so at peace with everything that at times I feel …..guilty.  Society has a way of dictating how we are supposed to feel, how we are supposed to display how we feel.  Why am I supposed to feel sad and downtrodden?  Who says I’m supposed to wear black.  I might as well hide behind a black veil if that is the case.  But I won’t and here is why.

I humbly come before you to explain why you see me living, smiling and enjoying my life.  PLEASE forgive me if I am repeating myself but I can not pretend anymore.

My husband loved life.  He loved me and gave me a good life.  He loved the Lord and obeyed him as far as loving me and for those three reasons I am overjoyed.

I miss him so I wear the colors he loved to see me in.  He hated that because of my profession I wore a lot of black.  When I retired I threw most of it out and started wearing colors again.  Color makes me happy and wearing them made him happy.  So I honor him with my bright colors.  I smile because he lived to make me smile and laugh.  That’s all he wanted for me and our children, for us to be happy.  He worked to give us security and comfort and we are so fortunate that he took his responsibility to us seriously.   He believed in God’s command of what a husband and father’s responsibilities are to his family.  He gave us everything he had to give and he is still giving to us more so now than ever before.  So please give us a break when you see us having fun and moving on without him.  It is just how we choose to pay our respects to the life he gave us.  When he looks in on us I want him to see he gave us enough love to last our life time.  I want God to see he did his duty.

I did not get to hear last words from his last breath but I did get to have the last words he wrote to me for our vow renewals the previous year.  He closed it with, “I give you my hand, my heart and my love from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.”  All I can say is I’m still here and I will honor his commitment for as long as I live.

Thank you for perusing and until next time, walk in joy.


And All That

Honestly I  didn’t want to blog.  I feared my usage of the english language was substandard at best.  But my daughter thought it would be a good idea for me to journal and started me on my way.

I’ve since learned that like in visual art, your talent is your talent.  If it is authentic it will represent you.  When I read my posts it reads like the thoughts in my head so it’s acceptable.   I no longer worry about past tense or present tense, all the punctuation errors I learned in school and definitely not the grammar.  It might be wrong but I only worry about the point of view.  It is sincere?Is it humble?  Are you hearing what I would have said if I was talking to you directly?  Of course I do go back and try to correct my verbiage which might have been pointless because after I post I see yet another mistake I missed.

Like an original painting that is in process that everyone thinks is ugly you finished it for the one person who will see it’s beauty.  The person who wants to own it.  I have something to say to the universe and only a few will get it and it is okay.  Tomorrow is another day I might reach another person.

God just wants us to keep trying and that’s what I’m going to do substandard and all.  Besides that, it brings me joy.

Wonderers keep perusing and remember walk in JOY!

<a href=””>Substandard</a&gt;

Dance With Me

You dip me for the world to watch.

How you never let me fall so far.

That you can’t catch me effortlessly.

You sway me.

Sometimes I can’t catch my breath.

So I close my eyes

And let your caress consume me,

To lift me.

To heights I can’t touch

Then you bring me back from heaven.y

Back down to this cold earth.

God’s Love

Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.  I was told to paint.  If you remember I had a canvas out waiting to start.  I found this picture that I blogged in this post.  So I’m updating the post to include my painting.  I hope you enjoy it.

During the road trip To Philadelphia I came down for breakfast when I met Patricia.  She said people call her Pat, some Tricia but family call her Patricia.  She was older than me which made me feel comfortable.  I always got along with older women.

After a few casual exchanges I asked if I could sit with her. We had a very long talk.  She knew who I was because God sent her to give me a message.  She started talking about her past which mirrored mines in so many ways.  She gave confirmation to my thoughts.  She had me down to the point of my existence.  My attempt at existing.

We spoke of issues of abandonment, child molestation, physical abuse, verbal abuse, introverted shyness, being mean spirited, being angry with a hateful tongue, adultery, and all the other adversaries we encountered.  Personalities that hid behind my confident smile.

And he still loves me.  He chose me.  He saved the spirit inside of me for a higher purpose.  Elevated me from the mired in which I existed. Everything worked for good in the end.  Even down to the reason why we were having breakfast.  She was visiting with her daughters for a girl weekend just like me and my girls. 

I was feeling hopeful so I showed her the pictures I took earlier that morning.  I was so proud of the picture.  She explained that I was the tall flower shinning in the light.  The smaller flowers were babies in Christ.  The flowers with lost peddles were older spirits and the dead flowers were all who had died and were waiting for Christ.  The flower standing tall in the sun had come to it’s full potentials and was going to be plucked ….so I’ll tell you what I’ve learned.

  • Tomorrow is not promised.  Live for God today.  If you believe that Christ died for the sins of the world and rose again you will have salvation.  There is nothing, nothing that can separate God’s love for you.  There is nothing you could have done or had done to you that he will forsake you. Ask him for forgiveness with a grateful heart and he will save you.  God is a God of love.
  • Love one another and love yourself.
  • Forgive yourself and forgive others.
  • Find joy in everything you do.
  • Live with appreciation and gratitude.
  • Pray about everything.  Worry about nothing.
  • Meditation improves your relationship with God.

You don’t have to search for happiness.  All God’s love is waiting for you!

My painting.