Casting Your Cares

Cast your cares on him Wonderers!

“Give your worries to the Lord, and he will care for you. He will never let those who are good be defeated.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭ERV‬‬

Yesterday I landed myself into the hospital. Why? What happened you might ask? Fear. The same fear I said I was not feeling!

Well I thought I was not operating in fear. So let’s break it down.

Fear is defined in as a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

For the past few days my oldest daughter had observed that my face was swollen on one side. I saw it but I was not overly concerned about it. Yesterday she asked why was I speaking out of one side of my mouth. Okay! I’m a little concerned now but I move on with my day. “Promise me you’ll call your doctor Mom.” The last words she said to me.

I went on to get some chores completed and true I wasn’t feeling good but nothing really not out of the normal for me except now, I’m feeling impending doom. (Really it could have just been the feeling of impending housework. I like a clean house but I don’t care to do the cleaning). Anyway, the feeling is overwhelming and I start to cry. I pray about it and I then decide to go to urgent care just to get checked out and keep my promise. One ambulance ride and several test later, I get invited to a sleepover at the local hospital.

This morning the mediation is about casting your cares on Jesus. Yesterday I missed the mediation and it was on the topic of fear. This situation comes to mind as being a test. Not that God is testing me but he is convicting me. He did bring it to my attention that regardless of the pending test results he is paying close attention and I have nothing to be afraid of. He is the author of my life and Yesterday I was operating in fear. Fear for my children not for myself. Did I take care of everything. Will they be okay? I even mentioned it in my prayer. I was prepared for his will but what about my children. It was one of them that set this fear in my mind. Maybe the past experience of losing a parent who did not seek medical help influenced her. I had to ask myself am I afraid to be the parent and take the lead and make the decisions for myself and my family? I wasn’t being told by my own intuition that I needed medical attention. I’m not so sure. I do know now fear played a big part of me sitting on this hospital bed.

Fear can come in so many forms. I am not in fear for my future, of being alone or taking care of all the responsibilities left to me to discern. As confident as I am in God’s plans for my life I realize that there are still things I have not surrendered to Him.

If I have anything to fear it will be the hospital bill that’s following this venture. Nope Wonderers, it is already covered. Thank you Jesus!

Thank you for perusing and have a wonderful joyous day.

Walk in Joy!




We ride the carousel round and round afraid to get off in fear that if we do, we will miss the last turn, so we ride until it stops.  Why is that?

You had an opportunity to pick the horse.  Maybe you picked the stationary one because you know your limitations.  Maybe you picked the one moving up and down because you crave excitement.  Just going round and round wasn’t enough.  Or worse yet, you settled on the only available horse betting that nothing better would come along or the one you wanted wasn’t worth the work or the wait.

Looking back, were you wrong?  Was your horse worth all you sacrificed for?  Was your horse worth the ride?  Only you know the answer to this question and only you know when it’s time to get off the sadly-go-round.

Is it time for a revision?

Look closely at your life and sort out all that is keeping you circling outside of your destiny.  All that you need to succeed is already in you.  You just need to be assertive on the merry-go-round.  Ride it and build up your courage and strength then get off and live the life that is created just for you.  That’s what you need to remember.  The choice is still yours.  You don’t have to keep riding the dark horse.  You don’t have to keep riding in darkness.  Let him take the reigns and together ride towards the sun. Your destiny awaits Wonderers.

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

Enjoy the ride!



And All That

Honestly I  didn’t want to blog.  I feared my usage of the english language was substandard at best.  But my daughter thought it would be a good idea for me to journal and started me on my way.

I’ve since learned that like in visual art, your talent is your talent.  If it is authentic it will represent you.  When I read my posts it reads like the thoughts in my head so it’s acceptable.   I no longer worry about past tense or present tense, all the punctuation errors I learned in school and definitely not the grammar.  It might be wrong but I only worry about the point of view.  It is sincere?Is it humble?  Are you hearing what I would have said if I was talking to you directly?  Of course I do go back and try to correct my verbiage which might have been pointless because after I post I see yet another mistake I missed.

Like an original painting that is in process that everyone thinks is ugly you finished it for the one person who will see it’s beauty.  The person who wants to own it.  I have something to say to the universe and only a few will get it and it is okay.  Tomorrow is another day I might reach another person.

God just wants us to keep trying and that’s what I’m going to do substandard and all.  Besides that, it brings me joy.

Wonderers keep perusing and remember walk in JOY!

<a href=””>Substandard</a&gt;

Lustless Life

We lust for the good life.  We chase after success, fame, wealth and love.  We’re so hard on the chase we miss the little opportunities that would have made a difference in where we end up,

In the pursuit of wealth we sacrifice our family.  We miss reunions, dance recitals and kindergarten graduation because we think that job can not go on without us.  Your children’s  accomplishments needed that same respect.  This was their one time event that went on without you and no matter how many pictures and videos were taken so you could “be there” you will never be apart of it.

In the pursuit of success set a ceiling for yourself and your family so the power does not go to your head.  Your job’s congratulations and promotions are not the success your seeking.  Your only the hero as long as you are there.  Don’t let your job tell your family, “Thank  you for sacrificing him.”  Be the hero of your children.  They know how hard you worked for them but they know so little about you personally because you were not there to tell all your success stories.

In the pursuit of fame you will never achieve it at your job.  A job is means to support yourself not to make you famous.  No matter how high you climb a fall from grace will make you start over again.  Your family will always hold you in high esteem. Even if you falter they will hold you up until the end of time.

In the pursuit of love stay focused on the prize.  Don’t get it twisted.  As much as you think you love your job, it don’t love you.  It will use you until it uses you up.  Love is waiting for you to come home.  There is dinner ready and the children are waiting to tell you all the exciting things that happened while you were at work.

Think about it.  There are only 24 hours in a day.  If you work 8-12 hours and get some sleep, how much time is left for your family.  Your family is willing to make adjustment to make time for you to be home more.  The question is, are you?

What I’m trying to say:


Do not lust after this life.

Lust after your children and wife.

Good men.

The world is a temporary gain.

What’s is permanent – your family’s pain,

Think about it.  Life is short.  ❤️💕

Take your family outside today and have fun. 

Walk in JOY!

<a href=””>Lust</a&gt;

Power Soaked

Joy to you Wonderers:😍

I’m late for Mundy Madness due to traveling.  I am in Philadelphia now and am ready to tell my story if you can forgive me.

The  water park is one of my favorite places even when I don’t get in the water which can happen.

My oldest treated us to Six Flags for 4th of July. How exciting for me to watch them have fun and see the fireworks. As soon as we get into the park the oldest decides we must get lockers for our stuff. Wait a minute! All your life I have been guarding everyone’s assets while we were on an adventure but now that you are in charge we need lockers? Smart move! 🤔

While we were at the counter waiting to pay for the locker code (I was free) the oldest says something totally unbelievable. She tells her sister, “Go down to the lazy river and get on it and mom and I will meet you down there.”

Now for those of you who don’t know my baby girl, she has a learning disability. What that means is her thought process is different that anyone else’s normally is. Like how she sees good in everyone even when they mistreated her. A quality I wish I possessed. Everybody is her best friend.

Well the oldest, who has a degree in special education thinks she can communicate better with the youngest. I have to admit she has taught me a thing or two but this time, she made a mistake. My mind told me to call a foul but I didn’t. I pray a prayer of protection over them and let the games begin!

It is about 1:00 p.m. when we get to the lazy river. No youngest or the grand around to see. So we start walking around looking. You know what’s real? You don’t remember what your people look like or what they are wearing when your looking for them. I started remembering some of the safety tips like write your name and phone number on the skin and cover it with liquid bandage. Which of course we didn’t do. Around 3:00 p.m. the oldest is frantic. I suggested we go get something to eat. I was hot and tired. I was almost ready to quit the game. I got a pizza. Hot dog and cotton candy. Oh yeah and a Diet Coke.  I love amusement parks where you can magically eat anything you want and not gain a pound because your walking around in the heat. I choose a table right across from where we last seen those two jokers. I figured one of them will think to go back to where we divided. I mean when they got tired or hungry they would think to come back. So we sit and wait and I tell the oldest why she can’t let her sister out of her site. She is no different then her except she didn’t get to experience free will and every chance she gets, she’s going to take it. 

An hour later the oldest says, “Your so calm. You have really lightened up.” I tell her my strategy, why we are sitting across from customer service. She gets something to eat and tries to relax. I silently say another prayer. Suddenly the oldest remembers she took the grand baby picture on her phone. She wants to ask security to help find them. When we get to the counter I say, “You know we are going to be here until the park closes.” No sooner than I say it there is an announcement that the park is closing due to a storm warning. And behold, I turn around and there they are. The sky opens up and it pours down rain.  Unbelievable right?  We walked around the water park for 5 hours and did not get on one ride but we left soaked in knowledge.

There is power in the tongue. There is power in your prayers

Walk in JOY Wonderers and have a blessed day.

Parable of a Wild Flower

Hello Wonderers:

Following my meditation on Galatians Chapter 5. I want to tell you my story.

Have you ever wondered if you were a flower, what type of flower would you be? Personally I never thought about it but apparently I do carry the characteristic of a flower. I am Mirabilis Jalapa. To you and me just the old fashioned Four O’clocks.

Like the flower I was easy to raise. I remember how I came to this flower. My coworker gave me some seeds and told me, “Just scratch up the ground and throw them down but make sure they are where you want them.” I did just that and they grew into the most ample set of leaves with little flowers are over it. Like it was shy of showing its full potential but everyone could see it had a real possibility to be a showstopper. When I was born into the world, my mother rejected me because she wanted all boys. She was so adamant about it the nurses would not give me to her for fear that she would harm me. That was fear on her part. I don’t think she didn’t love me. I think she was afraid of raising a daughter. Maybe she knew there was a pattern of hurt that I was going to endure because she too endured it. Maybe it was anxiety that she could not do it justice because she was so damaged herself and from the beginning she just wanted to avoid it. Either way, my grandmother saw the value in me at birth and swooped me into her arms closing the bond that should have been between my mother and me. Being the middle child she didn’t really have time for me. Her oldest and youngest children had more urgent medical issues to deal with. I remember asking her about it and she said, “I didn’t need her, they did!” What she could not see was the fear and anxiety she transferred to me. Two negative traits I fought to suppress all my life. Winning mostly but losing just the same.

Four o’clocks can tolerate a wide range of conditions. They are easy to care for because they don’t need much attention. I was an anxious kid having to get my knuckles whacked every day in kindergarten because I would knock over my milk. In my elementary years I used to come home from school and sit in the corner and read books. I remember being home alone. I would just sit and wait until my grandmother would swing by and pick me up if my mother was going to be late. I did not know I could read until fourth grade. Being a shy kid I would not have ever read in class. After I discovered I could read, I became a bookworm. I never wanted to play outside. I was content just reading my books. Books had the ability to take you anywhere you wanted to go. Away from isolation, unhealthy relationships, even boredom and despair. The love of reading kept me out of other people’s way and gave me a purpose until I found love. Love brought to my life a garden. A family.

In the garden the four o’clock is a show stopper. It controls any location and thrives against all odds. It is controlling and will tower over any nearby plants. Sometimes it will cause such a shadow that the underlying plants can not get enough sun and nutrients. I can see now how I had control over my family. I took responsibility of everything and everybody. I gave all of myself so much so I had nothing left from my heart to give and I would become angry. Not at any one person but at the whole situation. At times I would be outside of myself and when difficulties occurred, I could lash out and cause discord. In Galatians 5:23 it says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. All of which are in us to freely give but when you live in fear you forget who you are. You are a child of God and if you become hateful and selfish God does not like it and you know it so you rest until a new day begins and you wait until four o’clock again.

This time in the garden, it is about remaining quiet and composed until the appointed hour to come alive and vibrant again bringing all the love and beauty to the gardener. I think back to how I would patiently wait all day for 4:00 p.m. for my day to begin. I would lay low, keeping the house quiet so my husband could sleep. I would go about my day taking care of errands but staying close to home giving little time to myself or others trying desperately to be available if he needed me. I kept my house immaculate and my children orderly and active outside of the house. Inside they also had to be reserved. My husband never demanded any of it. It was just easier to be complacent. So at the appointed hour I was ready to give all of myself to him for the little time we would get to spend together. I would praise him and give him all the credit for the things he was doing for our family. All in his own strength not God’s. He was the gardener in our garden. Galatians 5:19 speaks of idolatry. We are not to put anything or anyone before God. It was okay for me to be submissive to my husband but coupled with fear and a obsessive desire to constantly please made me a servant to him. I thought Serving him was my way of showing God’s love but when fear, anxiety and anger came into play it became burdensome and none of my actions were voluntarily given. The Spirit was in bondage.

I feel I am to tell my story. I hope you will read Galatians Chapter 5 for yourself and see how it relates to your life.

The garden of four o’clocks has been turned under and the gardener has hung up his hoe. God is now maintaining the garden and there is new freedom in Christ. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and so not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1. This is the message I received. I will never again go back to living in fear. I will live by the Spirit. If I am going to be a flower I will be a pineapple. I will hold my head up high, wear a crown and be full of sweetness.

God wants us all to be filled with joy Wonderers.

Until next time, Thank you for perusing and have a good night rest. God Bless You!

Denise Mundy