And All That

Honestly I  didn’t want to blog.  I feared my usage of the english language was substandard at best.  But my daughter thought it would be a good idea for me to journal and started me on my way.

I’ve since learned that like in visual art, your talent is your talent.  If it is authentic it will represent you.  When I read my posts it reads like the thoughts in my head so it’s acceptable.   I no longer worry about past tense or present tense, all the punctuation errors I learned in school and definitely not the grammar.  It might be wrong but I only worry about the point of view.  It is sincere?Is it humble?  Are you hearing what I would have said if I was talking to you directly?  Of course I do go back and try to correct my verbiage which might have been pointless because after I post I see yet another mistake I missed.

Like an original painting that is in process that everyone thinks is ugly you finished it for the one person who will see it’s beauty.  The person who wants to own it.  I have something to say to the universe and only a few will get it and it is okay.  Tomorrow is another day I might reach another person.

God just wants us to keep trying and that’s what I’m going to do substandard and all.  Besides that, it brings me joy.

Wonderers keep perusing and remember walk in JOY!

<a href=””>Substandard</a&gt;

The Boy Did It


Remember last year when I told you guys about Alex auditioning to get into an art program and not placing because he didn’t follow instructions on realism.  Well this year the criteria added a new category – one piece of your choice.  All the face to face audition pieces had to be realistic.  The boy was convinced he didn’t make it in because he was last to audition and was only in there 5 minutes.  It was a sad ride home so in Grandmom fashion I said to him, ” We are not meant to win everything and we are not meant to lose everything.  Either way, I am proud of you for completing the process.”  My thoughts on it was maybe they didn’t waste time on him because they had already accepted him.  I covered all bases just in case.

Well the boy did it!  Would you like to see his additional entry pieces that I think swayed the judges?

Well done!  He even signed his name on it! 

Like I said, I’m proud of him!