A Rose Is Still A Rose

Good morning Wonderers:

I mentioned to you last week I was crocheting flowers in an attempt to reconnect with painting. What I am actually doing is crocheting roses for the niece’s bridal flowers. I think I’m doing a good job with the crocheted stitches but I was really having difficulties rolling it into the shape of a rose. So I call my niece’s mother for guidance.

First let me say my sister-in-law is my sister and she has a heart of godly love for everyone. It’s just her nature. She took her time without criticizing what I created. She just help me understand how to roll the crocheted platform into a rose. When I looked at hers and I looked at mines, in my mind I was criticizing everything I had done.

I think she saw it in my face. We were on FaceTime and she took her time explaining little things that made a difference in our flowers. Like how she is more experienced, she crochets tightly, her flower is large and mines is small so she has more material to help shape the rose. Me having less materials makes it harder. I don’t know but I felt better about my rose by the time we got off the phone.

Is criticism better than praise? I think not. Even as an old girl, I would have been crushed had she criticized my flowers and I was able to fulfill my obligation. I wanted to do this for my niece so I’m glad her mother is who she is. A godly woman and mother equipped with the fruit of the spirit of God.

The fruits of the Spirit is live, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. Galatians 5:22 NIV

Still, I texted the flower crew made up of my nieces and daughter to see if my roses were acceptable to go into the bouquets. They texted back: Approved!

So I’ll keep going. I can’t wait to see how they all turn out.

Thanks for perusing and have a great morning.

Sunday Poser # 114

Keep Your Hands Clean

So many times in my life I have heard this statement. However often it always meant something different but it always was useful advice and true.

As a child it meant just to wash your hands with no explanation except you were told too.

As a teen it was a beauty ritual to carry on throughout the years. Momma would say men don’t like a girl with dirty unkept fingernails. And for my brother it was girls don’t like a man with dirty nails. Working was fine but if he cleaned his hands to spend time with you he would do his best for you in all situations.

As a woman and mother it meant health and safety for you and your family. It was imperative that you help not to spread germs and disease throughout your entire house. You had a super power and it was the best resort in all situations. Wash your hands before cooking, before and after cleaning, or when cleansing dirty butts and noses and everything in between what you did throughout the day. Wash your hands, wash your hands. Wash your hands!

In employment it meant to stay out of trouble, especially if you dealt in money. They would teach,”Keep your hands clean” which means don’t do nothing that could get you fired or worse, send you to jail.

In this time it means all of the above with an ultimate twist. Washing your hands means to show love to your common man. Love your brother like you love yourself. With the pandemic and with flu season right around the corner, hand washing is monumental. There is nothing more important in the realm of prevention that exceeds hand washing.

So Wonderers, please ………Keep Your Hands Clean!

Thanks for perusing and have a wonderful day.

Men of God

Good morning Wonderers:

God calls us to love one another as we love ourselves.

Memories are sometimes funny, distorted or maybe even correct in their entirety. I don’t know why they come up accept to teach us lessons, to ask for a clearer perception, to ask for forgiveness or acceptance or maybe just to share. It’s Monday and I know I haven’t written to this page in a while so if you don’t mind I am going to designate this memory to Mundy Madness in honor of two men that taught me a lesson on how God wants us to love one another.

Children can be so cruel. One day you are best friends the next day you are enemies and then back to being friends again. On this one day of cruelty, a group of frienemies taunted and teased the weakest of the group. A sickly child that could not defend themselves. What they did to this child is not important in this story. This story is about the children’s fathers.

What’s a father to do? This day the father went to the other children’s father and tried to start a conversation about what happened. Maybe his approach was wrong. Maybe his approach was right but at the wrong time. Either way he went to this man. A man that he had befriended. They worked on their cars together. They spoke to each other and shared an occasional beer and laughed in front of their front doors. Not best friends but neighbors with concerns for their children, their neighborhood, their community. But this day would be different than any other day. This day would present a different side of their relationship. The side of conflict.

When the father stepped up to the other father it has been a day of celebration for his family and everyone had dressed up and was ready to go out for the evening when the youngest child was assaulted. Now I will state the attackers thought it was in fun for them but it was hurtful for the victim. Anyway the father was probably outside of his normal demeanor because he was under the influence of intoxicating spirits and stepped to his friend. The other father who had been working on his car tried to hear him out and when he tried to keep distance between the two of them, the intoxicated father fell back with his greasy handprint on his jacket. All of this happened right in front of all their children and the bully children thought they had victory because their father was not the one who fell.

But this is what I want you the reader to know. It is not the altercation that I am writing about. I am writing about what happened next and the new respect I gained for both of these men.

The father that fell back was helped up from the other father. He did not try to further embarrass himself or the other father in front of their children. He tried to set an example to the young boys in the crowd for this is not what men do. He did not blame the other father by calling the police because literally you never have the right to put your hands on another person under any circumstance. These two men worked it out amongst themselves for themselves, their children and their community. I don’t know if the other children out there saw what I saw or if they ever knew their father apologized and offered to have the fallen father’s jacket cleaned. I do not know if they just thought their father knocked down the other father on purpose and that it was not accidental. So I can only tell you what I saw.

I saw the God in these men. I saw Kings trying to protect their families with godly principles by holding each other up and to a higher standard. If the other children did not know it, you should be so proud of your father, on whichever side you were standing. Both men stood up to the test of the emery and won that day.

Victory belongs to all of us because our father carried the character of the Father God. They were not perfect men but they were godly men and they taught us that day what God meant by loving your neighbor as you love yourself.

Thank you for perusing and may God guide your heart with love and light.

Endowed with Love

Good evening Wonderers:

The creative circle was endowed with love yesterday for Valentine’s Day. ❣️The children surprised me last night with a beautiful pink metallic vase and a boutique of red and pink roses. Thank you children for loving your mom so much. Before my son came into the house I want you to know where my thoughts were. I was good❣️I had helped a neighbor earlier. I had read about the significance of Ash Wednesday. Earlier still I escorted my daughter to a doctor’s appointment because she now has better options for health insurance and we established her with a physician and I went to art guild. I spoke with people at the doctor’s office at the supermarket and everywhere I needed to be to touch a life and to be touched. My cup was full. It’s already getting better. God is moving on my behalf. At school, the smile on the baby girl’s face as she explained all of the day’s events and how she couldn’t wait to get home to share her valentine loot with the family moved me. She is a shining light.

I had just finished putting the pinwheels up in the form of the diagram I had drew for them. I was feeling loved and I turned on the televisions and heard news of another school shooting and I started to pray for the families involved. I started praying for the world and in walks my son with flowers enlightening my heart so I had even more love to give.

I cut our visit short to go to bible study. We are studying The Beatitudes in Matthew 5. In Matthew one of my favorite passages reads “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matt. 5:16. The question asked at class: Are we shining our light? For some Yesterday was about giving and receiving small tokens of love. That is good but I pray that deep within your spirit you received something greater, the unfailing love of Jesus Christ and your light shines for all to see. The families in Florida need your light. The world needs your light. Please continue to pray for us all.

Thank you for perusing and God be with you all tonight.


Pinwheel #9 

This one is for my children.  

There is a great disparity from the mother I wanted to be and the mother I sometimes was.  I thank God that he restored me to the person I thought I was and not having remained the stressed out, overworked and emotionally dysfunctional woman he discarded. 

Thank you father for loving me enough to correct me.

Until next time God be with you.

Love Sincerely

Good morning Wonderers:

Pinwheel #5

Romans 12:9

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

The point is a little off on this pinwheel, like us being human. We are not perfect but it does not mean we can not love from the center of who we are. Love sincerely Wonderers.

Have a blessed day and thank you for perusing.

Bold Faith


God requires us to have a bold faith in his son Jesus Christ. 1John 4:9-10, 15 states, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is Love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God, (NIV)”

The key verses I attached to this pinwheel are from the Book of Daniel. (2017-18 Standard Lesson Commentary NIV, Vol.24.) These men laid down their lives for their faith in God. The cross does not discriminate. God loves everyone. I will lay my life down for the Lord for I trust in the Lord with all my heart and soul.

Thank you for perusing. May God continue to bless you and keep you.


Hello Wonderers:

Those that follow me on Facebook know I’ve been on a commitment to represent my artistic abilities in fabric.  Kerrie invited me to Glamp Stitchalot which is next week.  I signed up for a pouch swap that even my son-in-law couldn’t believe.  Well I did and now I have completed it and for the first sewing project I have ever completed all by myself I’m proud.  The person I’m sewing for gave a few examples of things she likes so I also made her a card to thank her for opening the door of creating with fabric.

I think I will do more things.  I can’t wait to attend and feel the creativity of the textile artists.  I can’t call them quilters.  They are artists too.  Now that I am finished today I started a new class that is currently giving me life.

I started a 3-D acrylic painting class at Fewell Park, Rock Hill, SC. with Dr. Bradley Sabelli.  We will be experimenting with paint combined with non-traditional materials to create an original finished product.  Today I was painting with aluminum foil.   Over the next six weeks we will be using almost anything we can come up with.  Time to dig in the closets and see what I can find. 🤗

There is a title for this piece.  I will call it “Shiloh Road” because every morning while driving on this road taking the children to school, when the trees break at this farm especially at the point of the silos, the sun suddenly gets bright and shines down on me.  I respond, “Good morning God”, then thoughts of Derrick come and I sense their presence.  They are with me letting me know how proud they are for being strong and courageous.  It’s the time I feel I am not alone and I remember what I was told, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.””

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It’s a coincidence a friend told me to read Joshua this week and the passage came back to me.  I will take you along with me through the process of this painting and here is today’s beginning.

Can you see the foil?  I think the texture is cool.  

Well that’s it for today.  Until next time, thanks for perusing and enjoy the rest of the evening.  Love you all!

An Exceptional Gift

imageAcrylic Ink on Tile.


Everything about art is exceptional to me and nothing about me is exceptional to art. 

This reminds me of my father saying he was a Jack of all trades but a master of none.  However in reality everything he did was exceptional.  He was a good painter, electrician and contractor and people hired him to do all kinds of projects.  It was not his job, it was his passion.  He was humble about his abilities and would read up on the skills and just do it.  I was in awe of his commitment to his exceptional gift of remodeling people’s homes and lives.

Today my daughter told me with each new medium I learn it only enhances my artistic abilities.  She said she can’t wait to see what I come up with next and what I heard in my mind was….I’m a Jack of all trades and a master of none.

I pray I am showing those following me what my Dad gave me.  Be humble and be willing to improve yourself and the lives of others through the means of your God given talents.

In reality it is all I have to give.

<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/exceptional/”>Exceptional</a&gt;

Talk it Right

Talk, talk, talk. 

I’m good for saying, say what you mean and mean what you say.

What I’ve learned is no matter what your saying if the delivery isn’t right what you said means nothing.

Speak with love with every word you say so the heart can hear the truth.  Even when your speaking words that no one wants to hear, if it is coming from a place of love, the heart will hear it.

From my heart to yours,  LOVE one another!

Walk in JOY!


<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/delivery/”>Delivery</a&gt;