
Good Afternoon Wonderers.

Look closely friends. I started out this project with a perfect point and the more I do, the less perfect they are. And quess what, it does not matter. I used to be a perfectionist. Everything had to be done a certain way. I had to control everything in fear that it would get messed up. Like when you have a barbecue and everyone has a list of side dishes to bring and everyone brings bake beans. That’s a lot of stress on a person and what’s worst people just let me have it. I assume they had no choice I trained them that way. I would never ask for help and if I did I couldn’t wait for them to do it at their leisure. I remember once we had a fish fry and my sister-in-law wanted to help. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off when I allowed her to season the fish. The event was a success and afterwards I went to thank her for her help. Her response was unexpected. She thanked me and went on to say how honored she was that I let her into my kitchen. She had married into the family 25 years ago and I had never let her rinse out a glass. Oh happy day, That evening I let her wash the dishes too! 😉

And it taught me a lesson. Here I was thinking when I invited people to my home I just wanted them to relax and be at peace when all they wanted to do was be apart of my world and share this moment.

Wonderers, I got off track on this pinwheel. Here’s the point. Perfectionism was one of my imperfections. Now that I see it in myself I pray to be able to loosen it and not be afraid to know God’s truth about me. That I am his child and he loves me unconditionally. God has graced me to be me and it feels good.

You can check this blog for errors and send me a list of corrections if you like. I have my children here with me and we are going to watch the Eagles play. Perfect happiness….them sharing this moment with me. My husband was a diehard Eagles fan. He passed on to glory after the Super Bowl last year. His final moment with us and I’m praying for the Eagles to play in the Super Bowl. God willing.

Thank you for perusing and listening to my prayer. #flyeaglesfly

An Exceptional Gift

imageAcrylic Ink on Tile.


Everything about art is exceptional to me and nothing about me is exceptional to art. 

This reminds me of my father saying he was a Jack of all trades but a master of none.  However in reality everything he did was exceptional.  He was a good painter, electrician and contractor and people hired him to do all kinds of projects.  It was not his job, it was his passion.  He was humble about his abilities and would read up on the skills and just do it.  I was in awe of his commitment to his exceptional gift of remodeling people’s homes and lives.

Today my daughter told me with each new medium I learn it only enhances my artistic abilities.  She said she can’t wait to see what I come up with next and what I heard in my mind was….I’m a Jack of all trades and a master of none.

I pray I am showing those following me what my Dad gave me.  Be humble and be willing to improve yourself and the lives of others through the means of your God given talents.

In reality it is all I have to give.

<a href=””>Exceptional</a&gt;


Thank you for the chance to respond to the challenge on Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Lucky Dip 1.

I believe in God.  I believe in justice and I believe in karma.  The patent statement that I lived by used to go like this.  “What comes around goes around.  If not, justice will prevail. When they both fail, God is in control.”

I awake most mornings around 5 a.m., turn to the clock to see what time it is and then say a little prayer. I open the good book for a answering word to start my day. Depending on the answer immediately I think I know how my day will go. I may imagine today I am going to take flight and soar to the clouds in pursuit of a good day. Other days I may be a chess pawn playing the game of life. When I win I see the rainbow. If I’m in a harrowing storm, any minute I might be pushing up daisies. When I escape, I get out of bed and head towards the kitchen to start the coffee maker. That’s my poison of choice. I sit down and meditate on the word I was given and I thank God that he is in control. I don’t have to hold on to a crutch or cane. No matter what comes my way I can stand tall like my ancestors did. After all it’s in my DNA that I believe and serve the Most High God and his justice always prevails.

My personal statement then shifts to God is in control. Period!

With God all things are possible.

Thank you for perusing and have a good evening.



Good morning Wonderers:

It’s Monday and you know what time it is.  Today though, my madness is a little bit different.

Last Friday evening my daughter called waking me out of sleep to tell me to gas up my car because a hurricane was on its way to Texas.  I got up and did just that. (Thanks baby for looking out for your mama!)   Saturday morning when I awoke my mind was telling me to gas up my husband’s car also.  We did not know how bad it was going to get and I might need both cars filled with gas.

I try to ride his car around once a week to keep it running in good condition until someone else takes over the car .   So I take it out and ride around the subdivision.  I look at the gas gauge and I can’t determine whether it needs gas or not.  We’ve had this car since 2007 and today I do not understand how to read the gauge.  I mean there is a white line up to the “F” but there is a red dot at the “E”.  My mind is questioning is it full or is it empty.  So I park the car and pull out the owner’s manual looking for clarification.  That didn’t help, it only confused me more.  At this point I’m thinking I had put gas in it the week prior but I can’t remember to be sure.  (Senior moment.)  So I just decide I’m gonna drive to the gas station anyway.  Either way no harm in taking the drive.  That’s when the miracle happened.

I start the car and only two bars show up at the top of the gauge at “F”.  The lower bars had disappeared.  As if the car was saying, “Denise the car is full dummy.”  I had never seen it do this before.  I was questioning whether it was a magnetic glitch in the gauge or maybe the light was blown.  I just keep looking at it and thinking the two bars were glowing brighter than usual but I still felt I needed to go to the gas station.  So off I went.  At the pump it took $1.99 and it was full.

I got back into the car and on the way home I just started crying.  I mean bawling.  I had been praying for discernment and to trust my intuition.  And right in front of me, here it is.  Evidence that God is listening to my prayers and I was questioning it.  I cried until I started laughing.  All this time and through all the things he brought me through I was still questioning what was real.  It gave me a total new perspective on my past, life with my family, my husband’s love and his passing and for my future.  It made me realize going forward I don’t have to question God anymore.  He is working for my good and he loves me.  My faith has been renewed.  If he can darken the control panel in a car, he can do anything!

Now you may think I’m losing it.  Some may say it was just a malfunction in the panel or maybe my husband.  It’s not the first time something strange happened in his car. (That’s another story for another day.)  What I know is:

God has dominion over every thing and he will use whatever he needs to get our attention and if we call out to him he will answer.   Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus or Lord. Roman 8:39

Wonderers, have a great day.  Use your magnetic personalities and draw God’s love into your lives.  Thank you for perusing and remember….

Walk in Joy!

a href=””>Magnetic</a&gt;

Grandma Glider

Grandmom’s glider could surely keep the family secrets.  How loyal it was to the family.  It never rusted and never stopped gliding.  We kids would sit out on the porch to eavesdrop on the grownup conversation.  You could hear them talking over the big fan that was blowing in the window and we would sit awaiting the juicy news.  Then someone would start gliding.  Gliding faster and faster.  You never noticed when it started to slow down.  We all have a different opinion.  It happened somewhere near the time when the rickety fan started its lullaby and the fragrances of honeysuckles and hydrangeas would fill the air.  Somehow the gossip never filtered through.  Childlike innocence was preserved for the glider never told the secrets.  It kept us safe and secure from the scarring of growing up too fast.  Until the grownup talks were silenced and we had the best summertime naps on grandmom’s porch.

We should have kept that glider for the new generation to keep them safe from all the stimulation and over sensory practices they are experiencing.  Oh well, it would not have mattered anyway, they don’t go outside anymore.

<a href=””>Fragrance</a&gt;

Earth Angel

Good afternoon Wonderers:

Let me tell you about the smartest person I know. The earth angel. She is wise beyond her years with the purest of hearts. The day she was born was traumatic. It was predicted that she would not survive. But God had another plan. She was born by emergency cesarean section. Before she left the body she cried. The doctors all proclaimed how smart she was for she did not have to be stimulated to take the first breath. She was fragile but strong. Her head circumference was abnormally small. And God had a plan. Born on April 1st, she fooled them all.

Fast forward 6 years to one of the most exciting days or her life, kindergarten graduation. She is reading above first grade level, writing whole sentences and she did well in math also. She was the only child who didn’t take her diploma for granted. She stopped to make sure it had her name on it before she left the podium. She was proud of herself.   

I look back and think about why she is here. She is here to keep us all straight. She has a godly strength and wisdom that she shares generously. She often just comes up to me and hugs me just when the low vibrations appear. Without warning, without prompting, She tells me often that We are fighters not criers. No little one we are not and you are so much more. You are a gift from God and I pray that the world never changes your heart. 

I pray you have an angel in your midst Wonderers.  Life has so much joy when they are around.

Until next time, keep walking with Joy!

Power Soaked

Joy to you Wonderers:😍

I’m late for Mundy Madness due to traveling.  I am in Philadelphia now and am ready to tell my story if you can forgive me.

The  water park is one of my favorite places even when I don’t get in the water which can happen.

My oldest treated us to Six Flags for 4th of July. How exciting for me to watch them have fun and see the fireworks. As soon as we get into the park the oldest decides we must get lockers for our stuff. Wait a minute! All your life I have been guarding everyone’s assets while we were on an adventure but now that you are in charge we need lockers? Smart move! 🤔

While we were at the counter waiting to pay for the locker code (I was free) the oldest says something totally unbelievable. She tells her sister, “Go down to the lazy river and get on it and mom and I will meet you down there.”

Now for those of you who don’t know my baby girl, she has a learning disability. What that means is her thought process is different that anyone else’s normally is. Like how she sees good in everyone even when they mistreated her. A quality I wish I possessed. Everybody is her best friend.

Well the oldest, who has a degree in special education thinks she can communicate better with the youngest. I have to admit she has taught me a thing or two but this time, she made a mistake. My mind told me to call a foul but I didn’t. I pray a prayer of protection over them and let the games begin!

It is about 1:00 p.m. when we get to the lazy river. No youngest or the grand around to see. So we start walking around looking. You know what’s real? You don’t remember what your people look like or what they are wearing when your looking for them. I started remembering some of the safety tips like write your name and phone number on the skin and cover it with liquid bandage. Which of course we didn’t do. Around 3:00 p.m. the oldest is frantic. I suggested we go get something to eat. I was hot and tired. I was almost ready to quit the game. I got a pizza. Hot dog and cotton candy. Oh yeah and a Diet Coke.  I love amusement parks where you can magically eat anything you want and not gain a pound because your walking around in the heat. I choose a table right across from where we last seen those two jokers. I figured one of them will think to go back to where we divided. I mean when they got tired or hungry they would think to come back. So we sit and wait and I tell the oldest why she can’t let her sister out of her site. She is no different then her except she didn’t get to experience free will and every chance she gets, she’s going to take it. 

An hour later the oldest says, “Your so calm. You have really lightened up.” I tell her my strategy, why we are sitting across from customer service. She gets something to eat and tries to relax. I silently say another prayer. Suddenly the oldest remembers she took the grand baby picture on her phone. She wants to ask security to help find them. When we get to the counter I say, “You know we are going to be here until the park closes.” No sooner than I say it there is an announcement that the park is closing due to a storm warning. And behold, I turn around and there they are. The sky opens up and it pours down rain.  Unbelievable right?  We walked around the water park for 5 hours and did not get on one ride but we left soaked in knowledge.

There is power in the tongue. There is power in your prayers

Walk in JOY Wonderers and have a blessed day.

His Girls

He asked, “What are my girls gonna do when I’m gone?”


The girl woke up and changed her mind about what’s important in life.

One girl quit her job and followed her dream.

Another one took a class so maybe she can get an office job.

The littlest of them all started reading and writing her own notes saying they came from you telling them all:  “You are loved bekus you love from the heart.  

Today without you the girls drove from South Carolina to Philadelphia.

Without you the girls leaned into Jesus Christ who strengthens them and gives them perfect love.

The girls got moxie.

<a href=””>Moxie</a&gt;

Into Every Life Rain Must Fall

Good morning Wonderers!

I hope you’ve got your coffee and are ready to hear a little of my madness. It’s been a while so please be patient with me. 

This summer being the great mom that I am, I purchased season passes to Carowinds, our local amusement park.  Let’s not stop there I also purchased the drink plan and meal plan.  Such a good mommy!  Like the mom who sprinkles flour on her face when she makes rice crispy treats. 😜 Really though I have loved saying several times a week I might add, “Let’s go the Carowinds for dinner!”   Every time-they react like it’s the first time I said it this season.   Mental note moms:  Children are so easy. 

Now let me inform you I am not the amusement park type. I am not really the wanna be outside in the heat type either. My idea of “Ruffin it” is continental breakfast at Holiday Inn Express. 😳 And I don’t do rides. I do eat all the snacks under the rides while I wait although I’m not supposed too.  Heck, if the lines are long enough, the world may never know!  It will be our secret.

On to why you’re here.   I decided there was a ride I wanted to try.  It’s a ride that goes to air traffic control height and it looks like a carousel in the sky.  My mission for the summer Wonderers!  I thought, I’ll have to ease my way into it.  J who is 6, wants to ride the swings. She just made the height chart and is super excited.   I thought this to be the first step to my victory.  She carefully selected her seat and waited for the ride to begin.  I just grabbed the first seat I came too.   I noticed she kept looking at me and I wondered if she was scared.  Maybe I should have sat next to her.  At lift off I was feeling a little panicky and when it started to swing I gripped the chains and started mumbling to Jesus.   I could hear J laughing. I tried to open my eyes to see if she was laughing at me but the roof of an adjacent building was coming at me so I shut my eyes again. I was whimpering like a baby.   I was really feeling anxious so I started praying for the Lord to stop the ride.   As the ride started to lower I gave up all claims to ride the big carousel in the sky.   My dream had been dashed and to make matters worst when the ride stopped and I opened my eyes my swing ramjacked the swing in front of me.   Only mines did that. Everyone else’s stopped on point. Maybe that was the insult of being on the kiddie ride. When it was time to get off J turned to me and said, “that’s why I get on the inside swing!   How humiliating!  She did see me shivering in the air.

At the next ride I stayed on the ground and got me a funnel cake with powder sugar, vanilla ice cream and strawberries.   I deserved it!  Just when I sat down to eat it, it started to rain.  Okay Derrick, okay God y’all got jokes.   I looked inside my healthy backpack and “ Shazam!”  Pulled out a ziplock bag!

Girl Scouts prepared me well.   If you can’t fly high at least be able to cover ground. Oh! I gonna have to put that on a flag or something.

Have a great Monday Wonderers and thanks for perusing.

Good News Quill


Good Afternoon Wonderers:

It is so hard to sound humble when you are excited about the miracles God is doing in your life.  My apology if I offend anyone by this blog, in particular.  I have a story to tell and I am concerned most of offending God.

In desperation after my husband death, I had been collecting feathers that I found in the most peculiar of places.  They would appear after I would come out of an emotional breakdown of sorts.  Crying to my husband about where he was and if he was happy.  Fussing with him and just out loud screaming why he left me behind.

The first came as a tiny white quill.  I found it at the base of his chair right after I had vacuumed.   I remembered reading something about angels leaving feathers behind so I looked it up on Google what a white feather would mean.   A white feather could mean an angel is with you.  It could also be the answer that my husband arrived and that he was happy.

The second feather was a little larger still with a white quill sitting on the bathroom counter.  I took it to mean that I was being comforted and that I was on the right path to finding my soul’s purpose.  It suddenly got serious to me so I put them into a container so I would not lose them.  I literally assumed they were coming from my husband although he was not an angel.  I forgot about that part.  He is just an angel to me and I was missing him.

It was the third feather with an even larger quill and an even brighter white aura when I did I understand it to symbolized hope and faith and that there is a connection between both the physical and spiritual worlds.

Since that time, I have found a few more feathers and the biggest of all is a yellow feather. states it is, “A reminder to be cheerful and light-hearted, to be present, alert, and to stay focused on what you desire to magnetize these blessings into your life.”

God is so good to me.  My mediation with Dr. Tony Evans pointed me to Luke 4:18.  From the scroll of the prophet Isaiah Jesus read:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

WOW GOD.  You sent your only begotten son to erase the sins of the world.  He died for us so we could be free and have everlasting life.  Thank you for my salvation and entrusting me to spread the Good News.  I am forever your humble servant.

This morning the writing prompt sent me to reflect on these quills.  When I picked up the container I placed them in it says, “Don’t forget the power of prayer!  HAVE FAITH!

Have Faith of a mustard seed Wonderers and enjoy this beautiful day!

<a href=””>Quill</a&gt;